”Using my vast experience in the machine vision industry, I would like to serve the EMVA in order to improve the visibility of the Association in lesser represented and emerging countries. Additionally, I would like to serve the EMVA and its members in order to prepare for new challenges the machine vision world is facing.
Finally, my service would also help the coordination of local machine vision associations to have a unified vision in Europe.”
Short CV
Marco Diani has more than 35 years of experience in Machine and Computer Vision. He developed a keen interest in Machine Vision in 1983 while he was a student at the University of Pavia, where he received his degree in Electronic Engineering in 1986. His thesis was in Machine Vision and he continued his education, ultimately receiving his PhD in Machine Vision in 1989. His PhD research project was in vision to determine the best path of movement of an object in 3D space. He also authored and co-authored nearly 30 national and international scientific publications during his studies.
Marco has spent his entire carrier in the Machine Vision industry. In 1987 he established a system integration company that developed industrial vision systems that is still in business. Among the company’s many achievements, he is most proud of the company’s design and manufacture of the first blister pack inspection system made in Italy for the pharmaceutical industry.
In 1994, he was one of the founding partners of iMAGE S, a leading distributor of machine vision components in Italy and one of the original members of the EMVA. Over the last 27 years he was instrumental in leading the company, together with his partners, to become the reference point for all the Italian system integrators and OEM’s that are working in vision. iMAGE S prides itself in its contributions to the Machine Vision industry by furthering its reach to prospective students and scientists. This is done through teaching machine vision courses and seminars to high schools, universities and research laboratories throughout Italy.
After the acquisition of iMAGE S by Next Imaging in 2018, Marco has continued as one of the CEOs of iMAGE S and provides leadership for the group’s new challenges. He is also member of the board of Next Imaging.
For nearly three decades Marco has attended many industry events globally searching for new technologies that can be integrated into Machine Vision systems and ultimately learning about emerging trends in Machine Vision. Over the past seven years, this has expanded to embedded vision and edge processing. His globally participation includes EMVA conferences, the Vision Show, A3 (AIA) events, JIIA conferences and meetings, and Vision China Show.
Marco was elected into the EMVA Board of Directors by the General Assembly 2021, held in online format and the last time reelected in 2024.