EMVA Activities During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Dear Members, Partners and Friends,

At the time of writing these words, the effects of the corona virus on public life are omnipresent. Together we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting all our families, our businesses, our communities and our way of life.

First and foremost, our thoughts are with all those who are directly or indirectly affected by the virus, especially those who are ill, to whom we wish with all our hearts a full and speedy recovery. We also recognize the many selfless healthcare professionals around the world who are working tirelessly at the forefront of this pandemic to care for those whose need is greatest.

As in many economic sectors, the entire EMVA team is encouraged to work from home. This transition is working relatively smoothly and we continue to offer the highest levels of performance and availability. Although we continue to move into uncharted territory, the EMVA can assure you that we will endeavor to maintain all the essential functions and services of the association and continue to support our members throughout this period.

EMVA Events

Some of the EMVA events planned in 2020 and highly valued by the vision community are currently affected by this uncertain situation, in particular the 18th EMVA Business Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria from 25 to 27 June and the 5th European Machine Vision Forum 2020 in Cork, Ireland from 10 to 11 September.

We would like to assure all interested attendees at this point that we will monitor the situation with great responsibility and a healthy sense of judgement and will announce any necessary cancellations or postponements promptly and with all appropriate transparency.

Stay healthy!

We would like to convey to all our members, and the wider community, our best wishes in these difficult times, together with our hope that you, and those closest to you, remain safe and in good health. If we can provide any additional help, support, or advice during this period then please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


Dr. Chris Yates, President EMVA
Thomas Luebkemeier, General Manager EMVA

IMPORTANT: Cancellation of the Control Vision Talks Forum

Due to the cancellation of Control today, the planned Control Vision Talks lecture forum will not be held this year. We are very sorry about this, but we fully understand the necessity of cancelling the fair due to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) .

As the next Control will not take place until May 4 to 7, 2021, we will send out a new Call for Papers for Control Vision Talks 2021 at the end of this year.

The 5th European Machine Vision Forum is now open for Contributions

Share your expertise on the focal topic:

Accuracy, Reliability and Limits of Machine Vision

You are invited to submit your valuable contribution to this focal topic. Submit your extended abstract for a contributed talk or poster no later than May 8, 2020, via our Submission Tool.

All submissions are openly reviewed by the joint Scientific and Industrial Advisory Board of the forum and everyone, who has submitted a contribution.

For more Information, please visit “5th European Machine Vision Forum – Call for Contributions” or sign in for submission of your contribution at https://submission.emva-forum.org/

Get your EMVA 1288 Certification at CONTROL 2020!

IMPORTANT: Cancellation of the Control Vision Talks Lecture Forum

Due to the cancellation of Control today (March 17, 2020), the planned Control Vision Talks lecture forum will not be held this year. We are very sorry about this, but we fully understand the necessity of cancelling the fair due to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 (coronavirus). As the next Control will not take place until May 4 to 7, 2021, we will send out a new Call for Papers for Control Vision Talks 2021 at the end of this year.

At this year’s CONTROL, you will have the opportunity to be certified as an EMVA 1288 expert within 90 minutes. Using the form below, you can easily register for EMVA 1288 certification at “User Level” or “Expert Level”.

EMVA 1288 Certification at CONTROL 2020

Date: May 7, 2020  – 10:30 a.m.

Place: CONTROL, Hall 8, Meeting Room 8.2

Particiption fee:   200,- Euros for EMVA member entities / 250,- Euros for non-members


What know-how should you ideally have for participation:

You can easily learn the necessary background knowledge for the 90-minute “User Level” exam by watching the video tutorials on the “EMVA 1288” standard. If you want to obtain the “Expert Level” certification, you should already have some experience with EMVA 1288 measurements and the necessary basic theoretical knowledge.

And here cou can register right away: Registration EMVA 1288 Certification at CONTROL 2020

Top Topics – Top Speaker: The EMVA Business Conference 2020

The EMVA Business Conference 2020, 25 – 27 June, Sofia, will again be a major highlight of the year for the vision industry.

The almost complete programme of this year’s EMVA Business Conference is very promising: once again, the focus will be on the hot topics of the vision industry, presented by top speakers.

The keynotes are expected to be particularly interesting this year:

Liam Halligan, best known for his long-standing weekly “Economics Agenda” column in The Sunday Telegraph and honoured with the British Press Award, gives an insight into the future economic development with the topic “The Big Picture – Global Economic Outlook”.

Dr. Stephan Sigrist, Founder and head of the think tank W.I.R.E., has spent many years analysing interdisciplinary developments in business and society, focusing on the implications of digitisation in the life sciences, financial services, media, infrastructure and mobility. The attendees of the EMVA Business Conference can look forward to the topic „Trust in the Age of Fake Realities – Why the Virtual Economy needs more Common Sense”.

A number of other top speakers have already been announced for the conference programme. Registration for the 18th EMVA Business Conference is open via: www.business-conference-emva.org.

EMVA welcomes new members!

With the end of 2019 and the beginning of the new year, EMVA is looking forward to further new members!

We welcome the sensor specialist ifm electronic, represented by more than 7,000 employees in over 85 countries worldwide. We extend a warm welcome to Matrox! Matrox, based in Montreal, Canada, has over 40 years of experience designing software and hardware solutions for graphics, video, and imaging/machine vision applications. And with Voyage 81 a very new enterprise has joined the EMVA. Voyage81 is a deep-tech startup poised to bring much needed innovation to the automotive and imaging market.

EMVA announces change in Presidency

Chris Yates elected new EMVA President effective January 2020

Barcelona, 18 December, 2019. The European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) today announced that Chris Yates will adopt the role of President of the EMVA effective from the 1st January 2020. Chris will succeed Jochem Herrmann, the current President of the EMVA, who has held the role since 2015 and now decided to step down to be able to spend more time with his family. According to the association statutes, the decision to elect the new President was agreed by the Board of Directors of the EMVA during a recent board meeting in Berlin where Chris Yates was elected unanimously.

The change of President comes after an outstanding term in office, during which Jochem has provided strong leadership and guidance over a period of significant growth for the association and rapid change in the industry. Jochem Herrmann is cofounder and Chief Scientist of Adimec BV, who specialize in the development and manufacture of advanced industrial cameras for demanding applications. During an eminent tenure as President, Jochem has overseen the continued growth of the association each year, whilst also providing important guidance in the area of standardization, where his expertise and insight has been widely recognized. Jochem will continue to be a member of the Board of Directors into 2020 to help ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities.

Commenting on the announcement Jochem Herrmann noted:

‘It has been an honor and pleasure for me to serve as the President of the EMVA over the past years, and to be able to contribute to the continued development of the association and promotion of the machine vision industry. I am proud to be a member of the vision community and value all the work we have done together and lasting relationships which have been established. I wish Chris all the best in the new role and am confident that he will be able to build on the successes of the association and act as an effective figurehead for the community as the vision industry evolves.’

Dr Chris Yates is the Director of Advanced Technology within the Safety, Sensing, & Connectivity business of Rockwell Automation, having previously been the CEO and founder of Odos Imaging prior to the company’s acquisition by Rockwell Automation during 2017. He was elected to the Board of Directors of the EMVA during the 2018 Business Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and has focused on greater engagement with startup companies together with operational direction of the association. Chris holds a degree and Ph.D from Imperial College London, and has held a number of senior roles in early stage companies, concentrating on the effective translation of novel technology to products in the market.

In accepting the role of President, Chris Yates commented:

‘Vision systems remain one of the most important and widely used automation technologies in the continued evolution of industry, and the EMVA represents many significant organizations active in the sector. I appreciate the responsibility the Board of Directors has placed in me to lead the association over the coming period, and I am wholly grateful for their confidence and ongoing support.’

‘I believe that the EMVA must continue to advocate and promote the use of vision technology across all sectors, and is well placed to provide a focal point for dissemination, education, and collaboration within the market. I must also thank Jochem for his remarkable leadership and contribution over the past years, leaving behind a legacy which places the association on an excellent foundation for the future.’


About the European Machine Vision Association

The EMVA is a not for profit organization, open to all, which is owned by its members who represent over 120 companies, institutes, and organizations, originating from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The association seeks to represent the interests of its members and promote the vision industry in general, but also encourage cooperation and standardization. The EMVA hosts several important standards used throughout the machine vision industry including the GenICam series used to provide a consistent, device independent interface to machine vision hardware, the EMVA1288 standard used for bench-marking performance of industrial cameras, and the newly initiated Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) standard which addresses the connectivity of camera lenses within a machine vision system, and the new emVISION initiative addressing standardization within embedded vision systems. To find out more visit the web site www.emva.org.

EMVA Young Professional Award 2020 – Call for Papers

Prestigious industry award rewards outstanding work with prize money, presentation at EMVA Conference in Sofia and free pass for European Machine Vision Forum 2020

What is the Young Professional Award?

The EMVA Young Professional Award is an annual award to honor the outstanding and innovative work of a student or a young professional in the field of machine vision or computer vision. It is the goal of the European Machine Vision Association to further support innovation in our industry, to contribute to the important aspect of dedicated vision technology education and to provide a bridge between research and industry.

Who can apply for the YPA?

In this context, with the call for papers for the Young Professional Award 2020 the EMVA would like to specifically encourage students and young scientists from European institutions to focus on challenges in the field of vision technology and to apply latest research results and findings in computer vision to the practical needs of the machine vision industry.

Please use the form to send us your application with the title of your work and a short abstract. We will contact you immediately after receiving your application.

YPA Paper Call 2020

Statement of Mr. Tolga Birdal, winner of the 2016 Young Professional Award:

“In my perspective, the award signifies that the work is of benefit to an important and highly qualified community. This is an invaluable personal reward. Being selected by the renowned EMVA jury legitimises the worth of what I do and gives me huge encouragement.
Moreover, the EMVA is made up of individuals and companies from all over Europe, creating an exclusive machine vision network. Getting introduced into such a network is certainly an honour and holds great potential for my future career.”

What prize will the winner of the YPA 2020 receive?

Connected to the honor of the EMVA Young Professional Award and the publicity for the research work is a whole package of benefits. It includes a free conference pass and coverage of all travel costs to the EMVA Business Conference 2020; plus prize money of 1.500 Euros and free entry to the European Machine Vision Forum 2020 taking place from 10 – 11 September in Cork, Ireland.

Presentation of the awarded work at the 18th EMVA Business Conference 2020

The winner of the award will be announced at the 18th EMVA Business Conference 2020 taking place 25 – 27 June in Sofia, Bulgaria, and will have the opportunity to present the awarded work to the machine vision industry leaders from Europe and abroad. This presentation will be covered by the international machine vision press leading to further publication options on an international level.

Criteria of the works and submission

A short abstract of 1-2 pages in English language has to be submitted to the EMVA Secretariat, Ms. Nadine Kubitschek, at ypa@emva.org latest until May 11th, 2020. Please use the form to send us your application with the title of your work and a short abstract. We will contact you immediately after receiving your application.

YPA Paper Call 2020

For any questions, please contact the EMVA Secretariat at ypa@emva.org

EMVA welcomes four new members

Mega Phase Industrial Inspection Technology, based in Shanghai/China, is a well-known industrial structured light 3D camera manufacturer.

We also give a warm welcome to Inspekto AMV from Tel Aviv/Israel – manufacturer of Autonomous Machine Vision systems – and to Perception Park, located in Graz/Austria, passionate about Hyperspectral Imaging.

As another new member, we are pleased to welcome V-Optics SAS, based in Marly, France. V-Optics designs, manufactures and sells sensors and measurement systems enable to characterize light reflective and transparent surfaces.

Embedded VISION Europe Conference 2019 was great success

Embedded Vision Europe Conference 2019 at ICS Stuttgart was great success

Conference attendees and exhibitors are very convinced of the 2nd edition of EVE

The 2nd edition of Embedded Vision Europe conference (EVE) closed on Friday, 25th October, at the ICS Stuttgart with a fully booked attendance of participants from 23 countries. The event has brought top-notch speakers from companies like Intel, NVIDIA, Micron, Pleora and others to Stuttgart.

Embedded VISION Europe 2019 is the leading conference in Europe focusing exclusively on the areas of this disruptive technology and organized by the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), supported by Messe Stuttgart, the organizer and host of the biennial VISION international trade fair. Embedded VISION Europe is aimed at developers and users of embedded vision technologies from all industries. The conference was accompanied by an exhibition of technologically leading companies presenting their embedded vision competence with innovative products, applications and services.

Chris Yates, Director Advanced Technology at Rockwell Automation and Member of the EMVA Board, who moderated the event, sums up the EVE’s findings as follows:

“Embedded vision systems in use today are transforming factories, hospitals, transport, and living spaces, by providing machines with greater cognitive ability through vision. As the only conference focused exclusively on this disruptive technology Embedded Vision Europe 2019 gathered speakers from across the full spectrum of the embedded vision industry, covering topics such as new hardware compute platforms, embedded vision standards and APIs, specific approaches to optimizing neural networks, as well as real-world examples of the deployment of vision based embedded AI systems.”

See also: Embedded Vision Europe Conference 2019 – Review