EMVA Annual Business Conference 2019 – Speaker Announcement Part III

EMVA is pleased to welcome its guests at the Business Conference 2019 in Copenhagen from 16 to 18 May. The program of the conference is packed with many interesting presentations from top class speakers, which we will introduce successively.

The EMVA is looking forward to the presentations by Dr. Klaus-Henning Noffz, Chairman of VDMA Machine Vision and Michael Sehested Lund, Sales Director EMEA at JAI:

Dr. Klaus-Henning Noffz, Chairman of VDMA Machine Vision

‘OPC Vision – the door to Industrie 4.0’

Dr. Klaus-Henning Noffz is founder and CEO of Silicon Software GmbH, producer of image acquisition and image processing boards for Machine Vision. Before founding the company in 1997, he studied physics at the University of Heidelberg and did a PhD about pattern recognition for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN in Geneve/Switzerland. In 2006, he received the International Vision Award.

Since 2012, Klaus-Henning Noffz is member of the Board of VDMA Machine Vision where he has been responsible for MV standards. A main activity was the establishment of OPC Vision. In 2018 he became chairman of the VDMA board.

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG


Michael Sehested Lund, Sales Director EMEA at JAI

‘Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging: Where are the Applications?’

Michael Sehested Lund is Sales Director EMEA at JAI A/S and has worked at JAI A/S since 2006 in different sales roles.
Prior to JAI Michael has worked in the laser photonics industry with sales management and business development.

Michael holds an MSc EE from the Technical University of Denmark.

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG

EMVA Annual Business Conference 2019 – Speaker Announcement Part II

EMVA is pleased to welcome its guests at the Business Conference 2019 in Copenhagen from 16 to 18 May. The program of the conference is packed with many interesting presentations from top class speakers, which we will introduce successively.

The EMVA is pleased about the presentations of Jin Pan and Karri Niemelä:

Jin Pan, Chairman of the CMVU

‘China Machine Vision Market in 2018’

Mr. Jin Pan has been chairman of China Machine Vision Industry Union (CMVU) since 2013.
He worked for Beijing Daheng Image Vision Co., Ltd as general manager before retiring in 2017. In the machine vision industry, he has worked for more than 20 years and accumulated rich experience.

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG


Karri Niemelä, CTO at FocalSpec

‘Measuring the Invisible’

Karri Niemelä, PhD, works as Chief Technical Officer at FocalSpec Oy, a global pioneer in designing and manufacturing high-precision optical line confocal sensors headquartered in Oulu, Finland. Before co-founding FocalSpec, Karri worked at VTT Optical Instrumentation center as a senior research scientist in a Machine Vision team.
Karri holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Oulu, Finland. In his thesis, he explored the optical and electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructures like quantum dots, rings and wires.
In his role as CTO at FocalSpec Karri leads the R&D of the FocalSpec sensor products with a highly skilled team of hardware and software professionals. His main passion at work lies in optical engineering, 3D metrology and algorithms. Outside work he enjoys playing jazz, blues and rock music with his electric bass guitar.

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG

EMVA Annual Business Conference 2019 – Speaker Announcement Part I

EMVA is pleased to welcome its guests at the Business Conference 2019 in Copenhagen from 16 to 18 May. The program of the conference is packed with many interesting presentations from top class speakers, which we will introduce successively.

The EMVA is pleased about the presentations of these two top speakers:

Dr. Christian Hörr, Head of Software Development at Carl Zeiss Optotechnik

‘Exploiting the Power of Angular Illumination Methods’

Christian Hörr is Head of Software Development at Carl Zeiss Optotechnik GmbH, where his work focuses on overarching topics within optical metrology, computational geometry, image processing, and robotics.

He received a PhD in computer science from Chemnitz University of Technology in 2011, where is research topics have been non-photorealistic rendering, shape analysis, and data mining applied to the domain of archaeology.

Illuminating an object from different but well-defined directions gives additional clues on its shape and material, which would be hard if not impossible to derive from a single image. In contrast to multi-camera setups, additional light sources are available at very low costs and they usually do not require overly precise calibration. In this talk, we show examples from different applications such as microscopy, surface inspection, and optical metrology, where angular illumination methods achieve astonishing improvements over conventional setups and often exceed their physical limitations at the cost of acquiring and processing a much higher number of images.

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG


Hendrik Ilsby, CCO at SVS-Vistek

‘Machine Vision in Denmark’

Henrik Ilsby, born 1958 in Copenhagen, graduated 1983 from Copenhagen Technical University with a B.Sc degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Electronics.

He spent 10 years from 1983 in program management and sales with the Danish company Nea-Lindberg, (Video Displays and IR camera technology). Henrik joined JAI A/S in 1994 as Director of Sales for the Camera business unit. In 1997 he was appointed to executive management in JAI and later Senior Vice President leading the international camera business unit. From 2010-2012 he acted as CEO for CST A/S Copenhagen Sensor Technology, a company specializing in electro-optical solutions for Defense and Homeland Security markets.

In January 2013, Henrik joined the executive board of SVS VISTEK as Chief Commercial Officer, leading the worldwide sales.

“The Kingdom of Denmark and the machine vision market there”.
Intend to make a brief introduction to Denmark, history, uniqueness, business environment/structure and anecdotes. Deeper insight to the various companies and sectors which are involved in machine vision and imaging related activities

Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG

EMVA Board Meeting at Allied Vision

The EMVA Board of Directors Meeting on April 4th 2019 took place in the premises of Allied Vision in Ahrensburg. We would like to thank Allied Vision for their kind hospitality and support.

EMVA welcomes new members!

We are pleased to announce that further new members have joined EMVA in the first quarter of 2019. In addition to IMPERX from the USA, we would like to welcome VISION COMPONENTS, KAPPA OPTRONICS and VISION MARKETS from Germany and GPIXEL from Belgium.

EMVA Sales Report 2018: Machine vision economic climate remains intact

EMVA Quarterly Market Data Survey

A key indicator of the economic climate in the European machine vision industry is the EMVA quarterly machine vision sales report as part of the EMVA market research activities. The recently concluded survey of sales in the fourth quarter 2018 indicates that total machine vision sales went up slightly by three percent compared to Q3-2018. Throughout 2018 the 2nd and 4th quarters showed quite weak growth rates while 1st and 3rd quarter over-performed.  Overall, the report results in a yearly growth rate of the European machine vision sales of 9.5 percent compared to 2017. In addition, the evaluation of the quarterly sentiment which gathers industry predictions about future machine vision sales growth revealed that the machine vision suppliers keep being carefully positive.

The full report is available to all contributing companies.

EMVA announces Maik Wiking as Keynote Speaker at the 17th Business Conference

“Happy Employees through Hygge”

The EMVA is pleased to announce Maik Wiking as Keynote Speaker at the 17th EMVA Business Conference 2019. Maik Wiking´s keynote is titled “Happy Employees through Hygge” and gives insights into the secrets of happiness.  Hygge – this is not an Ikea chest of drawers, but the Danish recipe for more happiness in everyday life. Maik shows you what the trend is all about and how Hygge works.

Meik Wiking

Meik Wiking is the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute.  He is a  Research Associate for Denmark at the World Database of Happiness, member of the policy advisory group for the Global Happiness Policy Report and Founding member of The Latin American Network for Wellbeing and Quality of Life Policies.  Meik is a New York Times best-selling author and has written several books and reports on happiness, subjective well-being and quality of life. His books have sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

Meik is a frequent speaker at a variety of conferences and seminars on happiness around the world. Previously, he worked for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vilstrup Research and as a director for the think tank Monday Morning.

He holds a degree in business and political science from Roskilde University.


Abstract of Meik’s presentation:

These years happiness is emerging as the new measure of progress. This session explores how we can measure happiness, why some people are happier than others, why Scandinavia often top the global happiness rankings and how we can convert wealth into well-being.


The EMVA Business Conference will take place 16 May 2019 – 18 May 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Find all conference details at http://www.business-conference-emva.org/

European Embedded Vision Conference 2019 – Call for Presentation Proposals

Share your expertise with machine vision industry leaders at Embedded Vision Europe, 24-25 October 2019, ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart, Germany.

If you have a proven expertise in embedded vision topics and if you are interested in sharing your expertise with a top-class audience of experts in the form of a presentation at Embedded Vision Europe 2019, please find more information on the Conference program here .

We cordially invite you to send us your proposal as soon as possible. To increase the chances of you appearing as a speaker at Embedded Vision Europe 2019, please submit your proposal for a presentation ASAP.

LUCID becomes member of EMVA

The EMVA welcomes LUCID Vision Labs as a member! Founded in 2017, the manufacturer of industrial machine vision cameras is expanding worldwide and has become a member of EMVA with effect from 1 January 2019.