Theia Technologies applies American innovation with Japanese optics expertise to deliver high performance optics to meet the exacting requirements of machine vision, intelligent transportation, security and other industrial imaging applications.
Category: News
Emergent Vision joins EMVA
Emergent Vision Technologies was founded in 2007 in Vancouver, Canada. We are the first providers of cameras based on the 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GigE), 25 Gigabit Ethernet (25GigE), 50 Gigabit Ethernet (50GigE), and 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GigE) interfaces.
Call for Participation New Camera API Working Group
EMVA and Khronos Issue Call for Participation for New Camera API Working Group
Strong industry consensus to develop an open, cross-vendor API standard for portable control over camera systems in multiple markets
Barcelona, Spain / Beaverton, OR, USA; 20 January, 2022. The European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), the leading European industry association dedicated to vision technology, announces the formation of a new Working Group together with the Khronos® Group, an open consortium of industry-leading companies creating advanced interoperability standards, to develop an open, royalty-free API standard for controlling camera system runtimes in embedded, mobile, industrial, XR, automotive, and scientific markets. The Working Group will be hosted by the Khronos Group and is the result of an EMVA/Khronos-hosted Exploratory Group, held in 2021, during which over 70 companies participated to develop a Scope of Work document that will guide the direction of the API design. Design work of the Working Group is expected to start in February 2022, and any organization is invited to join to participate.
The background to form this Working Group is that cameras are increasingly critical in diverse industries, motivating the development of increasingly sophisticated optical systems, image sensors and vision processors often utilizing machine learning technology. However, the lack of interoperable camera API standards increases application development time and maintenance costs while reducing portability and opportunity for code reuse, resulting in unnecessarily high integration costs for camera technologies. The new Camera API will be designed to provide applications, libraries and frameworks low-level, explicit control over camera runtimes, with a low-level of abstraction that still provides application portability over a wide variety of camera systems with effective, performant control to generate streams of data for consumption by downstream applications and clients.
“The close and productive collaboration between the EMVA and Khronos has been very effective in enabling broader industry participation and diversity of perspectives at the Embedded Camera Exploratory Group than either organization could have achieved working alone,” said Chris Yates, EMVA president. “EMVA will continue our collaboration with Khronos under a new liaison agreement to ensure that the interests of both the EMVA membership and the wider industry are represented at the new Camera API working group.”
“The Embedded Camera API Exploratory Group followed the Khronos New Initiative Process with invaluable cooperation from the EMVA. Over seventy companies worked together from March to December 2021 to forge strong industry consensus on the need, terminology, scope, requirements and design methodology for a new open standard camera system API,” said Neil Trevett, Khronos president. “Now, we warmly invite any interested companies, vendors and developers to bring their voice and their expertise to the design phase of this important work.”
The Camera API Working Group will start meetings in February 2022 and is expected to be of particular interest to sensor or camera manufacturers, silicon vendors, and software developers working on vision and sensor processing. Any organization is welcome to join Khronos and participate in this global initiative under the consortium’s multi-company governance process. More details can be found on the Khronos membership page or through contacting Khronos Membership Services.
Industry Support for the Camera API Working
Over 70 companies participated in the Camera Exploratory group and the following companies support establishing the Camera API Working Group: Adimec, Almalence Inc., Analog Devices Inc., Basler AG, Baumer Optronic GmbH, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., Collabora, Digica, Digital Air Technologies, Euresys, European Machine Vision Association, FLIR Integrated Imaging Solutions, Google, Groget, Holochip Corporation, Ideas on Board Oy, LunarG, Inc., MATRIX VISION, MM Solutions, MVTec Software GmbH, NVIDIA, Perey Research & Consulting, Phil-Vision, Pleora Technologies, Raspberry PI Ltd, STEMMER IMAGING, Texas Instruments, VeriSilicon, Vision Components.
<Quotes from any Khronos, EMVA and Exploratory Group Members>
“The generic camera API will help Adimec to focus on our mission to deliver the right image in the right place at the right time, so our customers can focus on their imaging tasks. That is what we call ‘Excellence in Imaging’,” – The Adimec Team.
“Lack of API standards for advanced use of embedded cameras and sensors is an impediment to industry growth, collaboration and innovation. Enterprise AR customers and systems integrators/value added providers will benefit from greater clarity, open interfaces between modular systems and innovation in the component provider ecosystem. This Khronos standard for camera and sensor control will increase opportunities for powerful new combinations of sensor and AR compute resources, integration with existing IT, and lower cost and complexity of future solutions,” Christine Perey, interoperability and standards program leader for the Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA).
“Open interface standards such as GenICam or GigE Vision have been a key element to establish a professional Machine Vision Market. Only by such standards we can ensure the interoperability of products from different vendors. It helped to shorten the development cycles of customers dramatically and also yields in a faster growing market. Therefore we strongly support the new open standard camera API initiative driven by Khronos and the EMVA,” Arndt Bake, CDO, Basler AG.
“Over the past two decades, digital cameras used in embedded applications have changed dramatically. As video capture quality and processing power have increased, so has the potential for enhanced features which were unimaginable in early camera phones. The proliferation of features has resulted in a corresponding plethora of software support. The Embedded Camera Exploratory Group has laid the foundations for a consistent and extensible API to resolve this complexity; Digica is pleased to have contributed to this project and welcomes the development of the API under the new Working Group,” Jim Carroll, CTO, Digica.
“Due to high fragmentation and lack of standardization, the embedded camera space is subject to painful interoperability issues. Adding camera support in a product is complex and expensive, most often subject to vendor lock-in, when not practically impossible for small actors. Ideas on Board launched the libcamera project three years ago to address these issues in the Linux mobile, embedded and desktop ecosystems. We have contributed our experience to the Khronos Camera Exploratory Group, and are looking forward to continuing collaboration with the industry on a new open standard camera API,” said Laurent Pinchart, CEO, Ideas on Board, and lead architect of the libcamera® project.
“Cameras are everywhere and in everything, the market and applications have exploded in the last ten years. But a cohesive set of standard APIs has been slow to emerge making incompatibility challenging. Khronos, in conjunction with the European Machine Vision Association, is going to correct that and has formed this Working Group to develop an open API for cameras. This will be welcome news to industry participants and users alike,” said Jon Peddie, president, Jon Peddie Research.
“Existing standards, like GigE Vision and USB3 Vision, have proven that a standardization of software interfaces is beneficial for manufacturers and users. We believe that, in the rapidly changing world, Embedded Vision is significantly shaping the future of machine vision. A complementary standard for the embedded camera API is therefore important, and it makes camera control more reliable, hardware selection more flexible and shortens users’ time-to-market,” said Tilman Sanitz, head of embedded systems, Matrix Vision.
“A widely supported open standard camera API will spur innovation and reduce integration costs in multiple markets that use advanced sensors. NVIDIA has supported the work of the Exploratory Group and is committed to participating in the design work at this new Camera Working Group,” Sean Pieper, director of imaging software, NVIDIA.
“With the strong growth of camera applications in automotive, IoT, AR/VR devices, wearables and smartphones, there has been a strong demand for a standardized camera API in the industry. The standardized camera API that the Khronos group is working on will help facilitate the deployment of new cameras by reducing porting efforts, simplifying the procedures of camera upgrades, and improving the interoperability among various camera devices. This camera API standardization effort is very meaningful and will be highly influential to the related industry. We would like to see this standard API to be deployed soon,” said Weijin Dai, EVP, VeriSilicon.
About EMVA
The European Machine Vision Association is a non-for-profit and non-commercial association representing the Machine Vision industry in Europe. The association was founded in 2003 to promote the development and use of vision technology in all sectors, and represents members from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The EMVA is open for all types of organizations having a stake in machine vision, computer vision, embedded vision or imaging technologies: manufacturers, system and machine builders, integrators, distributors, consultancies, research organizations and academia. All members – as the 100% owners of the association – benefit from the networking, cooperation, standardization, and the numerous and diverse activities of the EMVA. The EMVA is the host of four global machine vision standards: The two widely established standards GenICam and EMVA 1288 as well as the two standardization initiatives Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) and Embedded Vision Interface Standard (emVision).
About Khronos
The Khronos Group is an open, non-profit, member-driven consortium of over 180 industry-leading companies creating advanced, royalty-free, interoperability standards for 3D graphics, augmented and virtual reality, parallel programming, vision acceleration and machine learning. Khronos activities include 3D Commerce™, ANARI™, glTF™, NNEF™, OpenCL™, OpenGL®, OpenGL® ES, OpenVG™, OpenVX™, OpenXR™, SPIR-V™, SYCL™, Vulkan®, and WebGL™. Khronos members drive the development and evolution of Khronos specifications and are able to accelerate the delivery of cutting-edge platforms and applications through early access to specification drafts and conformance tests.
Khronos Group Press Contact:
Caster Communications Inc.;
EMVA welcomes Opto Engineering
Opto Engineering®, OPTICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES, designs, manufactures and markets imaging components
in order to solve every machine vision application.
EMVA Young Professional Award 2022 – Call for Application
Prestigious industry award rewards outstanding work with prize money, presentation at EMVA Conference in Brussels and free pass for European Machine Vision Forum 2022.
The EMVA Young Professional Award is an annual award endowed with 1500 Euros to honor the outstanding and innovative work of a student or a young professional in the field of machine vision or image processing.
It is the goal of the European Machine Vision Association EMVA to support further innovation in our industry, to contribute to the important aspect of dedicated machine vision education, and to provide a bridge between research and industry.
The winner of the award will be announced at the flagship 20th EMVA Business Conference 2022 taking place May 12th – 14th in Brussels, Belgium, and will have the opportunity to present the awarded work to the machine vision industry leaders from Europe and abroad. The presentation will then be published by the international machine vision press.
In addition to the honor of the EMVA Young Professional Award endowed with 1500 Euros and the publicity for the research work is a free conference pass for the EMVA Business Conference as well as the coverage of all travel cost to Brussels and a free pass for the 2022 European Machine Vision Forum in Ireland.
With our award, we would like to specifically encourage students and young scientists to focus on challenges in the field of machine vision and to apply latest research results and findings in computer vision to the practical needs of our industry. Previous winners of the award have continued to achieve great success in the vision industry and benefited from the high profile the award brings.
The criteria of the works to be presented for the EMVA Young Professional Award are:
- Outstanding or innovative work in the field of vision technology. Industrial relevance and collaboration with a company during the work is required. The targeted industry is free of choice.
- The work (master thesis or PHD thesis or equivalent level research) must have been undertaken within the last 18 months at, or in collaboration with, a European institution. Meanwhile the student may have entered the professional field.
To apply please submit the following materials to the EMVA President, Dr Chris Yates, at ypa(at) latest until March 31st, 2022:
- A two-page abstract summarizing the innovation and the intended commercial benefit
- A one-page CV
- A copy of the master thesis or PhD thesis. If not yet finished or under publication restrictions, please provide at least one accepted publication
Supportive letters of research supervisors and/or any collaborating company are welcomed but not mandatory. Among the papers the EMVA Board of Directors, representing the European Machine Vision Industry, will select the winner of the award.

Characterization of a CMOS camera
Reworked version of “Characterization of a CMOS Camera, Hands-On”.
Get your seat now for the online training taking place 24 – 25 November 2021.
Speaker is Prof. Dr. Albert Theuwissen, one of the most excellent and renowned experts in the field of imaging.
As a professor at the Delft University of Technology, his main focus was on researching and coaching in the field of imaging.
EMVA offers position as Business Development Manager (m/f/d)
The European Machine Vision Association currently represents about 150 members from 26 nations and promotes the wider adoption, standardization, and use of vision technology.
To support the achievement of EMVA’s ambitious mid-term growth targets we are looking for a:
Business Development Manager (m/f/d)
This is an exciting opportunity to shape the future of a leading international industry association. Working closely with the General Manager and Board of Directors, this role would suit an ambitious individual with a strong background in active business development and the commitment and enthusiasm to drive projects to successful outcomes, while offering substantial opportunity to grow with the association.
Download the profile (see right hand column) and learn more about the proposed flexible contract terms by contacting us.
Upcoming webinar series on EMVA1288 Release 4.0
The EMVA will offer a series of four free 30 min webinars including interactive questions and answers on the EMVA1288 standard to characterize cameras in an objective way.
The webinars provide the necessary knowledge to select the best possible camera for a given application using the EMVA 1288 summary data sheet and all the knowledge required to be certified as an EMVA 1288 user. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne (HCI, Heidelberg University and the chair of the EMVA1288 group).
Webinar 1 – Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 4 pm. CEST:
Why is an image sensor not perfect? Or – what effects degrade the signal of a camera?
Explained with a series of direct demonstrations to show the basic degradations: temporal noise, nonuniformity, and dark current.
Webinar 2 – Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 4 pm. CEST:
The basic parameters of the EMVA 1288 standard Release 4 Linear and General
The standard Release 4 covers a much wider range of cameras: linear, non-linear, without and with lens, with preprocessing, and multimodal sensors such as polarization and multspectral imagers. Still a small set of parameters is sufficient to characterize a camera. It is explained how this parameters can quantitatively and in an objective manner describe the quality of cameras. And it is shown how accurately can they be measured.
Webinar 3 – Monday, September 27, 2021, 4 pm. CEST:
What you should know about your application to select the best camera for it?
The conditions under which you have to take images, the kind of information you need to extract out of the acquired images and the kind of image processing algorithms used decides which EMVA 1288 parameters are the most critical ones and therefore which camera is the best.
Webinar 4 – Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 4 pm. CEST:
How to perform camera comparison in practice using the EMVA 1288 summary datasheet?
In this webinar we apply what we have learned in the first three webinars. We use the standardized EMVA 1288 summary sheet from several cameras and then study which of the cameras is the best for different real-world application scenarios.
Global and EMVA Vision Standards: Development Overview
EMVA Standards Manager Werner Feith will present new developments in a STANDARDS UPDATE at the online Vision Spectra Conference on Thursday, July 22, 2021 – 17:00 CET.
The online presentation will provide a development overview on global and EMVA Vision Standards.
New Release 4.0 of EMVA 1288 Standard for Camera Characterization in Effect
Barcelona, 21 June, 2021. The EMVA today announced that the new release 4.0 of the EMVA 1288 Standard for objective characterization of industrial cameras, which is successfully used worldwide, has become effective. The release takes into account the rapid development of camera and image sensor technology. The documents of the standard are published here. The EMVA 1288 standard, hosted by EMVA, is part of the global G3 standardization initiative in which the five leading machine vision organizations A3, CMVU, EMVA, JIIA, and VDMA cooperate.
Until the previous Release 3.1 dated back December 2016, the application of the EMVA 1288 standard with a simple linear model was limited to cameras with a linear response and without any pre-processing. While this model is being continued with some improvements in the ’Release 4.0 Linear’, a new module ‘Release 4.0 General’ has been added in the latest release. With it, the characterization of a non-linear camera or a camera with unknown pre-processing is possible even without any model due to the universal system-theoretical approach of the EMVA 1288 standard. Just as with the linear camera model, all application-related quality parameters can be measured in this way. With both modules “Linear” and “General” the same measurements are performed. Depending on the camera characteristics, the proper evaluation either according to the linear or general model is applied.
In addition, Release 4.0 includes numerous expansions to characterize the latest generation of image sensors and cameras according to the application. The most important of these are:
- Extended wavelength range from UV to SWIR range.
- Raw data of any given image acquisition modality can now be characterized according to the standard.
- The versatile and universal analysis tools of the EMVA 1288 standard can also be applied to quantities calculated and derived from multiple channels. For polarization image sensors, these are, for example, the degree of polarization and the polarization angle.
- Inhomogeneities are measured in detail and now decomposed into column, row, and pixel variations. They can now be determined with a new method at all intensity levels from just two captured images.
- Optionally, cameras with optics or with illumination as given by the position of the exit pupil of the optics for which the image sensor was designed can be measured according to the standard. Thus, the standard is now also suitable for image sensors with pixels shifted towards the edge.
- A more suitable measure for the linearity of the characteristic curve is introduced.
Along with the new version of the standard, the EMVA has prepared an extensive training program. Two- or three-day training programs for the new Release 4.0 will be held regularly in near future in cooperation with EMVA member companies. The new training program will also continue the successfully introduced certification program at expert level. This is intended for anyone who wants to acquire the necessary knowledge to perform EMVA 1288 measurements themselves and understand the measurement results in detail, whether in the development of new cameras, in quality control, or to understand exactly how a camera behaves for a specific application.
About EMVA
The European Machine Vision Association is a non-for-profit and non-commercial association representing the Machine Vision industry in Europe. The association was founded in 2003 to promote the development and use of vision technology in all sectors, and represents members from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The EMVA is open for all types of organizations having a stake in machine vision, computer vision, embedded vision or imaging technologies: manufacturers, system and machine builders, integrators, distributors, consultancies, research organizations and academia. All members – as the 100% owners of the association – benefit from the networking, cooperation, standardization, and the numerous and diverse activities of the EMVA. The EMVA is the host of four global machine vision standards: The two widely established standards GenICam and EMVA 1288 as well as the two standardization initiatives Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) and Embedded Vision Interface Standard (emVision).