Pleora appoints Jonathan Hou to lead management team

Pleora Technologies today announced the appointment of Jonathan Hou as President. Mr. Hou brings extensive management expertise to his new position, including most recently overseeing Pleora’s research & development efforts and long-term technology vision as Chief Technology Officer. He now leads an expanded management team focusing on continuing growth for the company as it celebrates 20 years in business. In conjunction with management team appointments, Harry Page and Mike Kelly announced their retirement as President and Chief Financial Officer respectively. Both are remaining with the company in advisory roles.

embedded world 2021 goes digital

The embedded world Exhibition&Conference will take place next year as a completely digital event. Both the trade fair and accompanying conferences, the embedded world Conference and the electronic displays Conference, will be held as virtual formats under the name embedded world DIGITAL. Participants will have five days at their disposal from March 1-5, 2021.

With this decision, NürnbergMesse is reacting to the ongoing conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the embedded community – while ensuring participants have planning security in good time.

‘chiiOnline community’ substitutes traditional conference

With chiiOnline EMVA member Perception Park offers a global cross-industry network for the hyperspectral industry.

In previous chii conferences leading companies in the field of hyperspectral imaging and experts from science, research and industry participated. Manufacturers of hyperspectral sensors, optics, illumination, software companies, hardware manufacturers, international distributors and many more presented their exciting products, technologies and services. The EMVA several times contributed with updates in regards to machine vision standards, especially EMVA1288.

The chii Conference and chii Academy were attended by participants from many different industries, such as food, recycling, agriculture and pharmaceuticals.  As hyperspectral imaging becomes increasingly attractive, the chiiOnline community is expecting new members from other industries, especially the wood, packaging and medical industries.

Get all details and register at


Arnaud Destruels becomes EMVA Vice President

The EMVA Board of Directors announced Arnaud Destruels taking over the post of Vice President with immediate effect.

Arnaud Destruels is Marketing Manager Europe at SONY and was elected into the EMVA Board in 2018. He has a Degree in Electrical Engineering and Mechanics with special option: Marketing for Industrial Engineering/Information Technology (ESME in Paris – Engineering School).

Michel Ollivier, Director R&D at TIAMA, who actively supported the EMVA serving as Vice President from 2015 on, left the role because of starting his well-deserved retirement.

The change of function within the EMVA Board of Directors was presented to the EMVA members during the 2020 General Assembly, taking place as online meeting October 15, 2020.


The Imaging Source becomes member of EMVA

With The Imaging Source one of the leading manufacturers of industrial cameras, frame grabbers and video converters for production automation, quality assurance, logistics, medicine, science and security just joined the European Machine Vision Association – EMVA.

Automatica 2020 in Munich is cancelled

automatica 2020 not to be held as in-person event—new format for 2021 under development.

  • Messe München develops new event format for summer 2021 in cooperation with the industry
  • Further expansion of digital offering
  • Next automatica to take place June 21 to 24, 2022

The automatica exhibition scheduled for December 8–11, 2020 will not take place due to the current travel restrictions in Europe in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, which are becoming more stringent. This decision has been taken by Messe München in agreement and close coordination with the conceptual sponsor VDMA Robotics + Automation and the automatica Advisory Board. In coordination with the industry, Messe München is now developing a compact new in-person event for mid-2021, which will be adapted to the specific circumstances in times of the coronavirus. In addition, auto-matica is further expanding its digital offering.

In March, Messe München decided to move the exhibition date from June to December in agreement with the VDMA Robotics + Automation Association. Messe München had done everything it could to ensure a safe in-person exhibition by postponing the event to the latest possible date of the year and drawing up a comprehensive protection and hygiene protocol. However, current developments make it absolutely necessary to rethink these plans.

Due to the increasing number of infections, travel restrictions have been imposed for an increasing number of European countries and regions in recent weeks. Similarly, the travel situation outside Europe has barely improved. In addition, many German and international corporations have issued internal travel bans. As a result, most exhibitors fear that only a small fraction of the visitors originally expected will attend. For this reason, they no longer consider participating in automatica 2020. Under these circumstances, which are unlikely to improve, automatica 2020 is unable to perform its task of bringing together supply and demand. Holding automatica this December would cause lasting damage to the exhibition in the long run.

Falk Senger, Managing Director Messe München, on the decision: “An exhibition thrives on its participants. However, too many of our exhibitors and visitors could not have come to Munich due to travel restrictions. That is why we ultimately had to cancel automatica 2020. This situation makes it all the more important to look ahead now. We are working hard on new offerings to bring the industry together and move it forward.”

“The original decision to postpone automatica was correct. However, with external conditions having deteriorated sharply recently, a reassessment of the situation is essential. We are glad that Messe München has reacted flexibly and is now breaking new ground together with the industry”, confirmed Patrick Schwarzkopf, Managing Director of VDMA Robotics + Automation.

New exhibition format for summer 2021 under development

The industry’s need for personal contact, exchange and presentation opportunities is stronger than ever. This is why Messe München is now working with exhibitors to develop a new in-person event with digital elements, adapted to the circumstances in times of the coronavirus. The new event has been conceived as a compact ‘exhibition before the exhibition’ for early summer 2021 and is to become an add-on to automatica. Detailed information on this will follow shortly.

“We upheld automatica until the end. But the current infection rate developments make hosting a successful world-leading exhibition impossible and would have damaged its aspiration and image. That is why we will now focus our planning efforts on a new event next summer to bridge the time gap to automatica 2022—thus providing the necessary positive momentum for the industry,” says Wilfried Eberhardt, Chairman of the automatica Advisory Board and Chief Marketing Officer of KUKA AG.

Expansion of digital offering

Above and beyond that, automatica is expanding its digital offering, thus providing additional exchange opportunities and orientational knowledge. In the new online event series “Let’s talk by automatica”, for example, top-class experts, suppliers and users regularly take a closer look at current issues and trends in robotics and automation. In addition, there are plans such as offering essential parts of the supporting program, which was originally planned for the December exhibition, in a virtual setting. The International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) would be a good example for this. Details will follow in the coming weeks.

Aprex Solutions joins EMVA

Whether your needs are classic or complex, we have developed a simple and effective solution for you. Our solution has the ability to identify a very large number of defects or elements, simultaneously
and in real time. Moreover, you can integrate it into your production line, even continuously and at very high speed.

Next VISION to take place in 2021

VISION show organiser Messe Stuttgart just announced the next VISION – the world’s leading trade fair for machine vision – being scheduled for 5-7 October 2021 in Stuttgart.

Messe Stuttgart will stage the next VISION, the world’s leading trade fair for machine vision, from 5 to 7 October 2021. The trade fair organiser is therefore complying with the request by the polled exhibitors and visitors who voted in an extensive survey by a clear majority (75% of surveyed exhibitors and 81% of surveyed visitors) for an attendance event next year. The new date in the odd trade fair year – in parallel with Motek, International Trade Fair for Automation in Production and Assembly – will be retained in the long term.

“VISION is also developing just as dynamically as the machine vision industry. We are using the current challenges to implement other measures which will be beneficial to the world’s leading trade fair in the long term,” said Florian Niethammer, Team Director and the Project Manager responsible for VISION at Messe Stuttgart. In addition to the strategic measures initiated in 2020, e.g. the launch of the VISION Start-up World or an extensive communication campaign on the Chinese market, Messe Stuttgart is planning to further enhance the trade fair experience at VISION 2021 through digital supplements. However, there are no plans for a virtual replacement of the cancelled trade fair date in 2020.

Dr. Klaus-Henning Noffz, Director New Business Development Basler AG and Chairman of the Board of VDMA Machine Vision, the promotional supporter of the world’s leading trade fair for machine vision, welcomed the approach by Messe Stuttgart: “VISION is an essential platform for the machine vision industry. We are looking forward to a strong VISION 2021, and once again with many personal meetings with business contacts and friends from all over the world.”

“VISION is the main driving force for the machine vision industry: important business contacts are forged and cultivated, innovations are presented and developments are discussed during the trade fair. We are all the more pleased about the date next year in Stuttgart,” concurred Gabriele Jansen, Managing Partner of Vision Ventures and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), in endorsing the decision by the organiser of VISION.


VISION, the world’s leading trade fair for machine vision, will take place in Stuttgart (Germany) from 5 to 7 October 2021. Staged every two years, the trade fair covers the entire spectrum of machine vision technology. In addition to first-class exhibitors from all over the world, it also impresses with its varied accompanying programme. Proven formats, such as the world’s largest presentation forum for machine vision, the “Industrial VISION Days”, will also take place in 2021.

For further information, visit:

EMVA Supports WHO Fighting Covid-19

The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting our private and business life in such a significant way most of us never experienced before. One main factor for the recovery of economies is the successful fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

EMVA’s annual Business Conference for the first time ever was held in a virtual format at June 26, 2020. All conference ticket fees were announced to be donated and many conference attendees supported the EMVA approach by purchasing tickets.

We are happy to inform that EUR 3775 could be donated to WHO’s Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

The EMVA Board and Management thanks all supporters, event sponsors and conference attendees for giving us the opportunity to realise this donation.

Our thoughts remain with those who are ill and those working at the forefront of efforts to contain the pandemic.


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EMVA welcomes new member TriEye Ltd.

TriEye revolutionizes machine vision with the world’s first CMOS-based Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) sensing solution to provide mission-critical information for multiple industries and enable imaging in all weather & lighting conditions. Focusing first on the automotive market, we deliver image data where other cameras fail. TriEye’s vision and remote material sensing capabilities dramatically increase the efficacy of ADAS & AV to prevent accidents & save lives.