Welcome to the EMVA newsletter! Each month it provides hands-on information on machine vision in Europe and the world. Find out about the latest projects of the EMVA, innovative products, what’s going on in the machine vision industry and interesting events.
Kind regards, Thomas Lübkemeier
EMVA General Secretary
Knowledge Transfer and Education in Corona Times The EMVA Vision Knowledge Center Opens Its Doors
Even in times where technical conferences, seminars and similar events are not possible, the EMVA has the goal to foster knowledge transfer and educational activities in our industry.
The EMVA Vision Knowledge Center is a hub of expertise and the meeting point for relevant technical and environmental topics in the machine vision and image processing industry.
It benefits from the enormous amount of valuable contributions collected over the years at the numerous EMVA events now being available on the EMVA website.
The EMVA Vision Knowledge Center provides access to high-quality presentations on technology, applications and vision ecosystems, webinars, videos and technical papers which are of great interest to the vision tech network.
Virtual 18th EMVA Business Conference – 26 June 2020 Programme & Speaker Announced
This year’s EMVA Business Conference, due to the Corona pandemic taking place in an online format, again offers an exciting and informative programme of presentations from leaders and innovators of the Vision Tech industry.
The conference counts on top speakers like Matija Kopic, CEO at Gideon Brothers, presenting ‘Vision Based Autonomous Navigation‘, Bruno Maisonnier, CEO at AnotherBrain, addressing ‘Artificial Intellingence Learning at the Edge‘ or Dr. Jürgen Beyerer, Director at Fraunhofer IOSB, talking about ‘Automated Visual Inspection‘ – just to name some examples.
Networking is allways of high priority at EMVA events and so also the online conference will offer the opportunity of pre-scheduled individual video-call meetings throughout all conference break sessions.
Don’t miss the outstanding opportunity to join the 18th edition of EMVA’s Business Conference sponsored by the VISION 2020.
Vision Tech industry faces difficult times EMVA Survey on COVID-19-Impact Still Open
Tthe EMVA currently runs the survey ‘COVID-19 Impacts on the Machine Vision Industry‘ which is part of the association’s efforts aiming to analyze the effects of the Corona pandemic on the machine vision industry.
Please spent 5 minutes and support a wide data base by participating anonymously at SURVEY.
EMVA Media Partner with Special Offers in Corona Times
Free Access to digital editions of inspect magazine
From now on, all issues of inspect and inspect international are freely accessible electronically with the subscription code “247”.
In recent weeks, our lives, our working world and our media consumption have changed rapidly. Digital and online are now becoming even more important to many people – including the e-versions of inspect, which is now freely available to everyone.
Simply follow the link and enter the code “247” in the field for the “subscription number”, then you can also read inspect or inspect international as an e-paper 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Read more ›
Virtual trade fair of inVISION magazine
TeDo Verlag is currently organising three virtual trade fairs: the inVISION Show, the Industry Show and the Smart Robotics Show.
The inVISION Show of inVISION magazine is particularly interesting for users of machine vision and metrology. Since 19 May (and until 16 June) visitors can view current products and solutions as well as numerous videos of the exhibitors.
The virtual fair is free for visitors and no registration is necessary. On June 8, the Smart Robotics Show of the magazine Robotik und Produktion starts. Read more ›
Member News
Heidelberg Image Processing Forum in Online Format
With its 75. edition, the Heidelberg Image Processing Forum on Tuesday, July 7 organized by the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, Heidelberg University (Prof. Jähne), switches to an online format keeping all its renowned features.
The forum will be hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Kaiserslautern with the fitting topic:
Image Processing Algorithms: From Low-Level to Deep Learning Read more ›
Stemmer Imaging becomes distributor in Europe and Latin America
STEMMER IMAGING AG has signed an agreement with Euresys for the distribution of its high-performance image acquisition products across Europe and Latin America, effective from April 1st 2020.
Euresys acquisition boards support image acquisition from the fastest and highest resolution cameras available to the lowest cost analogue cameras. The agreement covers the CoaXPress and Camera Link frame grabbers as well as frame grabbers for analogue cameras. Klaus Mählert, Product Manager at STEMMER IMAGING for Euresys products, said: “Euresys is a leading and innovative high-tech company that designs and provides image and video acquisition components, frame grabbers, FPGA IP cores and software… Read more ›
Case Study
ifm – O3D – View From the Top
The automotive manufacturer Opel in Rüsselsheim relies on innovative technology in production.
At a welding robot various stamped and deep-drawn metal sheets are welded to form a supporting element of the bodywork. A 3D camera monitors the position and the fixing of the sheet metal parts. Read more ›
Introducing SDK for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit
BitFlow has released a Linux AArch64 (64-bit ARM) SDK that enables seamless integration of BitFlow frame grabbers with the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Development Kit.
Donal Waide, Director of Sales for BitFlow, states, “Many of our customers are already using GPU solutions such as NVIDIA for image processing so adding this option to the already large BitFlow suite of adapters was a natural progression for the company. BitFlow has been supporting Linux for several years across a variety of flavors.”
Added Waide, “BitFlow was one of the first frame grabber companies to support NVIDIA’s GPUDirect for Video technology. BitFlow and NVIDIA have worked together for a number of years already.” Read more ›
Shipping its First CoaXPress 2.0 Frame Grabber
BitFlow pushed limits further by shipping its new Claxon-CXP4, a quad CoaXPress-12 PCIe Gen 3 frame grabber that accelerates video transmission speed to 12.5 Gb/s — or twice as fast as the current CXP 1.1 standard. Now in full production, the new frame grabber will be shipping this month and available through BitFlow’s international distributor network.
“While the Claxon is not the first CXP 2.0 frame grabber on the market, it is certainly one of most stable and feature-rich, since our engineering team built the full CXP 2.0 specification into it rather than pick and choose what capabilities the customer was permitted to use,” said Donal Waide, … Read more ›
New SWIR line scan camera enables defect detection beyond the visible
Teledyne DALSA announces its first short-wave infrared (SWIR) line scan camera for machine vision. The new Linea SWIR features a cutting-edge InGaAs sensor in a compact package suitable for a variety of applications including food and packaged good inspection, recycling, mineral sorting and solar and silicon wafer inspection.
With exceptional responsivity and low noise, this newest Linea SWIR line scan camera allows customers to see their products in a new light. Linea SWIR is a 1k resolution camera with highly responsive 12.5 µm pixels, 40 kHz line rate, cycling mode, programmable I/Os, power over Ethernet (PoE), precision time protocol (PTP), and more. Read more ›
CCD Image Sensor Technology Plays Key Role in COVID-19 Diagnostics
Teledyne E2V Teledyne is supplying high performance charged coupled devices (CCDs) for COVID-19 diagnostic scientific instruments. These highly sensitive image sensors are used for low-light imaging applications such as microscopy and other scientific imaging techniques deployed for research and diagnostic testing of COVID-19.
In the past few weeks, the UK CCD Fabrication team have been producing hundreds of CCD77-358 devices that will be designed into camera systems to support COVID-19 diagnostics.. Read more ›
New compact Coaxlink CXP-12 frame grabbers
We are proud to announce that we are expanding our CXP-12 frame grabber range with the addition of the Coaxlink Mono CXP-12 and Duo CXP-12. These are one- and two-connection CoaXPress 2.0 frame grabbers complementing the four-connection Coaxlink Quad CXP-12, already available.
These new compact, frame grabbers pack a lot of power in a low-profile PCIe card design. As a single CXP-12 connection provides more bandwidth than Camera Link Full, they are a perfect upgrade for most applications. In addition, the Coaxlink CXP-12 range supports extra-long 40-meter cables, just using standard coaxial cables. Acquire images from the fastest and highest resolution … Read more ›
Switchgear Viewing Systems for Power Grids: Safe, Live Switch and Breaker Imaging
“Keeping the distance”: how our switchgear viewing systems improve occupational safety!
Reliable switch device status is a safety requirement in power grids. However, hard-to-access viewports and sparks from switching processes make direct visual observation difficult and dangerous in power plants today. Live monitoring of switches using specialized cameras minimizes risks to human operators by monitoring switches from a safe distance, either locally using a portable video unit or remotely centralized from the control room… Read more ›
FOV Micro Measurement Microscope 4.0 with foldable stand
Opto presents FOV Micro Measurement Microscope 4.0 with foldable stand. The new ultra-compact digital Micro Measurement Microscope from Opto is the perfect tool for on-site measurements in production.
The Machine Vision Microscope professionally digitizes quality where it counts. The sensor setup is robust, plug-and-play, easy to use, and with a high-end optic and camera integrated.
With the built-in LED coaxial illumination and ring light all types of features on a product can be visualized, like with a traditional Metallurgical Microscope. With a measurement resolution of 1,8 Microns per Pixel it allows to analyze smallest details.
The free OptoViewer software presents crosshairs, allows documentation, and basic measurements, whereas the market leading Measurement Software M3 from Metlogix makes it a High-End Measurement device with proven functionality. Read more ›
pco.panda 26 & pco.edge 26 sCMOS cameras: high 26 MPix resolution, true global shutter
With our pco.panda 26 and pco.edge 26 cameras you get the high resolution and sCMOS sensor technology needed for a multitude of microscopy applications. These include, inter alia, high-content screening, digital pathology and many more.
Both models provide you a 5120 x 5120 pixel resolution and a small 2.5 x 2.5 µm² pixel size. Those aspects are excellent for achieving the maximum level of spatial resolution and it even applies for microscopy imaging with low magnification. Furthermore, you can achieve an exceptionally low readout noise and dark current thanks to the true charge domain global shutter. Read more ›
Discover the 1 mm Optical Filters
As an optical element the filter must fulfill some requirements to ensure that it has no impact on the resolution of the complete system. The quarter wave wavefront distortion also ensures that the MTF is not affected.
Our 1 mm thin filters with a high surface quality are developed to be placed between lens and sensor. Equipped with the Schneider-Kreuznach typical coating with high transmission and steep slopes, they are the ideal choice for challenging machine vision applications. These 1 mm thin filters are provided with an ultra-low reflection coating, important for e.g. traffic surveillance. The wavelength tolerance of only +/- 1 % makes them a preferred choice for metrology systems. Optimized for common LEDs used in machine vision, the filters are ideal for automated inspection systems as food & beverage control or logistics. Read more ›
3D line sensors sized to fit
Vision Components manufactures intelligent laser profilers for a wide range of applications.
The standard VCnano3D-Z models cover working distances from 50 mm to 2025 mm and between 40 mm and 1250 mm horizontal field of view. They provide high precision with resolutions down to 10 µm. The series offers OEMs an exact fit for their measurement task so that they can save the effort for elaborate, costly hardware adaptations.
Currently, there are about 100 models in four sizes ranging in length from about 140 mm to 472 mm. In addition, the manufacturer also offers on-demand customer-specific configurations with a quick turnaround. Read more ›
First samples of 37.7 Mpix cameras based on sCMOS sensors GSENSE6060
XIMEA presented new sCMOS camera models from high grade scientific line of cameras with Backside illumination and various cooling options.
To meet the growing challenges of science community of clients and bring exciting technologies XIMEA has been working on a special set of high quality camera models called MX377.
The MX377 scientific cameras are based on the latest sCMOS sensors from Gpixel which are designed with large 10 μm pixels and 61 x 61 mm imaging area format making them ideal for the most demanding Astronomical and Life science applications. Read more ›
As the organization of and participation in events in the near future are currently subject to significant disruption in the context of Covid-19, we monitor the situation closely and we will inform you of any cancellation, necessary arrangements, planned postponement, or alternative forms of holding our EMVA events.