EMVA is pleased to welcome its guests at the Business Conference 2019 in Copenhagen from 16 to 18 May. The program of the conference is packed with many interesting presentations from top class speakers, which we will introduce successively.
The EMVA is pleased about the presentations of these two top speakers:
Dr. Christian Hörr, Head of Software Development at Carl Zeiss Optotechnik
‘Exploiting the Power of Angular Illumination Methods’
Christian Hörr is Head of Software Development at Carl Zeiss Optotechnik GmbH, where his work focuses on overarching topics within optical metrology, computational geometry, image processing, and robotics.
He received a PhD in computer science from Chemnitz University of Technology in 2011, where is research topics have been non-photorealistic rendering, shape analysis, and data mining applied to the domain of archaeology.
Illuminating an object from different but well-defined directions gives additional clues on its shape and material, which would be hard if not impossible to derive from a single image. In contrast to multi-camera setups, additional light sources are available at very low costs and they usually do not require overly precise calibration. In this talk, we show examples from different applications such as microscopy, surface inspection, and optical metrology, where angular illumination methods achieve astonishing improvements over conventional setups and often exceed their physical limitations at the cost of acquiring and processing a much higher number of images.
Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG
Hendrik Ilsby, CCO at SVS-Vistek
‘Machine Vision in Denmark’
Henrik Ilsby, born 1958 in Copenhagen, graduated 1983 from Copenhagen Technical University with a B.Sc degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Electronics.
He spent 10 years from 1983 in program management and sales with the Danish company Nea-Lindberg, (Video Displays and IR camera technology). Henrik joined JAI A/S in 1994 as Director of Sales for the Camera business unit. In 1997 he was appointed to executive management in JAI and later Senior Vice President leading the international camera business unit. From 2010-2012 he acted as CEO for CST A/S Copenhagen Sensor Technology, a company specializing in electro-optical solutions for Defense and Homeland Security markets.
In January 2013, Henrik joined the executive board of SVS VISTEK as Chief Commercial Officer, leading the worldwide sales.
“The Kingdom of Denmark and the machine vision market there”.
Intend to make a brief introduction to Denmark, history, uniqueness, business environment/structure and anecdotes. Deeper insight to the various companies and sectors which are involved in machine vision and imaging related activities
Find all details and register at: BUSINESS-CONFERENCE-EMVA.ORG